November 6, 2019
Approved Minutes
November 6, 2019
Approved Minutes

As a member of our community, you have valuable experience and great ideas about the future – we want to hear them. Whether you drive, walk, bike, roll, or take transit, our collective vision helps move Flagstaff Forward!
Let's Stride Forward, Together
Great opportunities lie ahead for all of us who call Northern Arizona home. When it comes to building a sustainable community that works for everyone, our region is an example for the rest of the nation to look to.

At the same time, there is so much more we can accomplish. From equity to congestion to walkability, we have complex problems that we must come together to solve.
We’re growing fast, which raises good questions about preserving our community and what intentional growth looks like.
Getting around can be difficult sometimes, especially for walkers, cyclists, and bus riders.
Many residents are concerned about the rising costs of living and moving around our community as well as the long-term affordability of the area.
That’s why it’s so important for every resident to make their voice heard. When everyone is included, we’ll come up with the best, most sustainable solutions – together.
Virtual Public Meeting:
Together, we're developing a plan using YOUR feedback to create a transportation system that lives up to our community’s ultimate potential!
The virtual public meetings have concluded but you can view them here:
To view more, please visit the documents page.
MetroPlan will host a series of virtual meetings in conjunction with the release of three (3) online surveys. Each series of virtual meetings will be either one or two weeks long and offer a variety of days and times (including mornings, afternoons, evenings, weekdays, and weekends) for convenience.
While online surveys and virtual meetings are a great way to engage with us, MetroPlan recognizes that not everyone has the same access to online resources. That’s why MetroPlan will be attending community events in 2022, so we can hear directly from you!
We need your help digging deeper into the choices made by respondents to a recent random sample survey.
To view the results, visit our documents page!
In planning for the future, we ask you to think about the transportation system (roadways, transit, bicycling, walking, and rolling) as it relates to population growth, new technology, equity, and the environment - especially climate change. Share your experiences, ideas, and priorities with us. Your input will lead to a better future for all.
Tell us about the journey forward
Residents like you are ready to find solutions to our biggest problems. That’s why MetroPlan is bringing Northern Arizona communities together to build our region’s long-term transportation plan, Stride Forward. This plan will direct our transportation investments for the next 20 years.
We will listen to you, consult with you, involve you, and collaborate with you.
Here’s how:
Working Together
By working together, we'll identify how transportation investments can
Access to essential goods, services, and jobs
Convenience and comfort for bicyclists and pedestrians
Transit as a preferred travel choice
Safety for all road users
Regional economic performance
As part of Stride Forward, MetroPlan will engage with five (5) distinct
Public: The “public” includes individuals, residents, and visitors alike. We are asking for valuable feedback on how you currently move around the region and how you’d prefer to move around the region in the future. If you live in or visit the region, you have a stake in our transportation system.
Opportunities to participate are listed above!

Stakeholders: Community stakeholders are people or a group with the power to respond to, negotiate, or change the strategic future of an organization. MetroPlan has developed a stakeholder list of nearly 250 individuals and groups representing 25 interests such as; economic development, policy, environment, housing, tourism, etc.
Champions: Champions are community leaders with special access to part of the community. Our champions have volunteered to take on a more robust role by encouraging participation in Stride Forward.
Planning Partners: MetroPlan recognized early in the process the planning efforts underway by several of our regional partners. These plans are likely to have overlapping timeframes, engagement periods, and subject matters. Our planning partners include staff and elected officials from the City of Flagstaff, Coconino County, Mountain Line, Northern Arizona University, and the Arizona Department of Transportation. This group helps inform and coordinate the Stride Forward planning process.
Stride Forward Advisory Group: The Advisory Group includes economic development, sustainability, road maintenance, citizen-at-large, and member agency interests, and is designed to provide a broad perspective to the planning process.