November 6, 2019
Approved Minutes
November 6, 2019
Approved Minutes

Safe Streets. Safe Speeds. Safe Vehicles. Safe People.
Let’s come together to create safe travel for everyone.
MetroPlan believes our roads and streets should be safe for EVERYONE no matter how you get around!
Regional Transportation Safety Plan
Establishes a framework for reducing fatal and serious injury crashes on public roads in the MetroPlan region by identifying crash trends, emphasis areas, performance measures, high-risk crash locations, funding resources, and potential projects.
A crash analysis was performed for the MetroPlan region based on the most recent five years of available crash data: January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2021. Over this period, 10,076 reported crashes occurred, with 57 fatalities and 2,360 injuries in the MetroPlan region.

Vulnerable Road Users Safety Action Plan
The VRU Safety Plan will identify crash trends, risk factors, high-crash locations, emphasis areas, establish regional performance measures, and potential projects, programs, and policies that will lead our region to zero fatalities and serious injuries.

Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a program that aims to make it safer for students to walk and bike to school. The projects, from easy start-up programs to major infrastructure improvements, are all designed to encourage kids of all ages to walk or bike to school and develop a healthy lifestyle.

Safe People Programs
MetroPlan's goal is to encourage people who use our transportation system to practice safe and responsible travel behaviors. Empower people to engage with us on how we can advance safety on their streets.

Slow Streets
MetroPlan in partnership with the City of Flagstaff, Creative Flagstaff, and Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy (FALA), received our very first Bloomberg Asphalt Art Initiative Grant to support the Cheshire neighborhood by using art and design to make the main street safer for pedestrians and cyclists along N Fremont Blvd.