November 6, 2019
Approved Minutes
November 6, 2019
Approved Minutes
Who We Are

Guiding Principles
MetroPlan is focused:
Adopts clearly delineated objectives
Provides ambitious and credible solutions
Strategically plans for political and financial realities and possibilities
MetroPlan leads regional partners:
Provides targeted, effective and prolific communication to “speak with one voice”
Advocates for implementation, coordination, and commitment
Provides collaborative leadership among and through its partners
Accountable for leveraging plans that lead to successful construction and services
MetroPlan leverages resources:
Strategically leverages project champions and other plans
Writes and secures competitive grants
MetroPlan plans for resiliency:
Invests time and resources to expand mode choice
MetroPlan is fair and equally representative
MetroPlan builds trust and credibility
Exhibits integrity in its work products
Exercises openness and transparency
Delivers on its promises

To facilitate improvements and programs for all transportation modes through collaborative priority setting, planning, and the strategic pursuit of funding.
The region is joined together by a transportation system that prioritizes the wellbeing of people and the environment.
Jurisdictions that make up MetroPlan are the City of Flagstaff, Coconino County, Northern Arizona University, the Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority, and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).
Executive Board

Chair, Miranda Sweet
City of Flagstaff, Vice-Mayor

Board Member
Austin Aslan
City of Flagstaff Council Member

Board Member
Jeronimo Vasquez
Coconino County Board of Supervisors, District 2

Board Member
Tony Williams
Mountain Line Board of Directors

Vice-Chair, Judy Begay
Coconino County
Board of Supervisors,
District 2

Board Member
Becky Daggett
City of Flagstaff, Mayor

Board Member
Jamescita Peshlakai
Arizona State Transportation Board Member
The Executive Board acts as a policy body, coordinating and directing transportation planning, implementation, and related activities within the MetroPlan boundary.
The MetroPlan Executive Board consists of six voting seats as follows:
3 members of the Flagstaff City Council
2 members of the Coconino County Board of Supervisors
1 member of the State Transportation Board or their designee
1 member appointed by the NAIPTA Board of Directors
The MetroPlan Executive Board shall meet at least four times per year as per the direction of the Executive Board. The notices of the meetings shall conform to the Open Meeting Laws of Arizona.
MetroPlan's Executive Board is responsible for all actions, agreements, and functions to be carried out by the Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization, including but not limited to:
Serving in a review capacity to ensure that all federal and state assisted development projects are consistent with integrated regional transportation plans and programs;
Accepting contributions and grants-in-aid;
Contracting with the Federal Government for planning assistance and other transportation-related planning projects, products, and services; and
Establishing and maintaining policy-level relations and positions, including those regarding proposed legislation, with local, regional, state, and federal policy organizations.
Other products that are deemed essential may be authorized by the Executive Board, and specified in the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
Management Committee
MetroPlan's Management Committee consists of the Flagstaff City Manager, the Coconino County Manager, the ADOT District Engineer, the NAIPTA chief executive officer (CEO), and a member of the President’s office of NAU, or their respective designated alternates.
The Management Committee may meet as it deems appropriate to review the MetroPlan Executive Board agenda and to provide input or advice to MetroPlan staff and/or the MetroPlan Executive Board.
The Management Committee has authority to advise MetroPlan's Executive Director and the Executive Board. Primary area of emphasis is on the policy direction of the Management Committee members’ respective jurisdictions and any bearing such direction has on the development of the MetroPlan work program or its implementation.

Technical Advisory Committee
MetroPlan Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has authority and primary responsibility to conduct technical reviews and analyses regarding all work activities of the UPWP, and any related issues as specified by the MetroPlan Executive Board, and to so advise the Executive Board and staff on appropriate actions to be taken.​
MetroPlan’s TAC is composed of technical and/or managerial staff representatives from each of the participating agencies. In addition, there may be one or more non-voting representative each from the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
​The MetroPlan TAC shall be responsible for:
Reviewing, studying, analyzing, and as appropriate, making recommendations to the MetroPlan Executive Board and staff on issues germane to the MetroPlan;
Regularly reporting to the Executive Board on Technical Advisory Committee activity through the MetroPlan Executive Director.
MetroPlan Staff

Transportation Planner,
Grant Research & Writing
(415) 235-1322

Administrative Assistant
& Clerk of the Board

Transportation & Transit