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 Safe Streets. Safe Speeds. Safe Vehicles. Safe People.  
Let’s come together to create safe travel for everyone.

2023 Regional Transportation Safety Plan

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The most common manners of collision in all crashes were rear end (31%), single vehicle (23%), and angle (Front To Side)(Other Than Left Turn) (16%).

MetroPlan supports the elimination of traffic fatalities and serious injuries and will adopt a “Vision Zero” policy as part of its Vulnerable Road Users Safety Action Plan that commences next spring.

The Regional Transportation Safety Plan (RTSP) establishes a framework for reducing fatal and serious injury crashes on public roads in the MetroPlan region by identifying crash trends, emphasis areas, performance measures, high-risk crash locations, funding resources, and potential projects.

A crash analysis was performed for the MetroPlan region based on the most recent five years of available crash data: January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2021. Over this period, 10,076 reported crashes occurred, with 57 fatalities and 2,360 injuries in the MetroPlan region.

  • Intersection crashes account for the highest number of fatal plus serious injury crashes at 44%

  • Lane departure crashes represent the second-highest number of fatal plus serious injury crashes at 42%

  • Nighttime crashes represent the third highest number of fatal plus serious injury crashes at 30%

  • Of the 139 pedestrian-involved crashes, 11% resulted in fatalities, while 19% were reported as suspected serious injuries

  • Of the 151 bicycle-involved crashes, 2% resulted in fatalities, while 16% were reported as suspected serious injuries

  • “Speed Too Fast For Conditions” and “Failed To Yield Right Of Way” are the top crash violations in the region


Safe streets are the foundation of a livable region.

When people step out their front door, they expect and deserve a safe way to get where they're going, whether it's walking or bicycling in the neighborhood, getting to transit, or driving down a highway.


In the last 5 years (2017-2021), the Flagstaff region had over 10,000 crashes that led to 3,450 serious injuries and 62 deaths. The Regional Transportation Safety Plan will provide a regionally-focused, data-driven framework for increasing traffic safety on roadways in the greater Flagstaff region. The Plan focuses on strategies and actions drawn from best practices proven to reduce traffic-related deaths and serious injuries. Our vision is zero. Share it.

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As a member of our community, you have valuable experience and great ideas about the future of Transportation Safety – we want to hear them.

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